¡Bienvenidos! a una...
“Con una nueva imagen, renovamos nuestro compromiso. FUNDACIÓN CAMPO REAL, Juntos en Misión, Unidos en Servicio.”
We focus on the holistic development of individuals, promoting values such as selfless service, solidarity, commitment, and respect for human dignity.
Our Mission
Cooperar en la transformación de vidas a través del servicio misionero…
Our Vision
Ser una luz en República Dominicana y el mundo, llevando esperanza y restauración…
Committed to the holistic development of individuals
Practical Areas
Syntropic farming
Sustainable and balanced organic agriculture, for the care of human health and the environment...
Healthy nutrition
The conscious and wise preparation of healthy food must be carried out within the principles of healthy living...
Practical areas
The production of healthy and nutritious products allows us to educate and promote the health of our population...
To educate is to form in values and principles of life the child of today, so that he/she may be the integral and upright man of tomorrow...
Salud y bienestar a tu alcance
CampoReal Natural Life es una experiencia transformadora que ayuda a las personas a alcanzar y mantener un estado óptimo de salud. Sómos lideres en servicios innovadores de descanso, tranquilidad y bienestar para nuestros huéspedes nacionales y extranjeros.
Our method integrates eight healthy lifestyle habits, with the purpose of helping our guests reach their maximum potential.
Health programs
Balanced, natural and alkalinizing diet, designed according to the constitution and condition of each person, providing all the necessary nutritional value...
Delaying the process of cellular degeneration and reactivating the health potential of each individual...
Remarkable and concrete results in the process of body detoxification and metabolic reactivation...
Optimum Weight
To achieve a deep purification and revitalize the metabolism, obtaining effective and lasting results...
This program favors the detoxification of the body, relieving internal heat in the case of inflammations...
Balanced, natural and alkalinizing diet, designed according to the constitution and condition of each person....
About Us
We cooperate with the improvement of the quality of life of man and his environment.
We are located in Sonadorsito, Monseñor Nouel Province, Dominican Republic.
Email: info@fundacioncamporeal.org
Phone: +1 829 986 7036
+1 809 296 8278